Today is our 47th Anniversary of making and selling hand crafted wooden toys.
It's a BIG day for the family, since for so many of us Thorpe Toys have been a part of our entire lives.
Jerry started making toys for his own kids - Gerry and Christine. Then he and Rosemary created Thorpe Toys - 47 YEARS ago.

The whole family started going to craft sales all over southern Ontario. Brothers, sisters, cousins, grandparents came over to learn how the toys were made and help out in the toy workshop.
As the family grew, every new kid had a Thorpe Toy to pay with. And the next generation were just as fascinated by the magic that Jerry and Rosemary created with their toys.

When we talk about Thorpe Toys being handed down from generation to generation, we aren't just talking about our customers. We are talking about our family.

Over the years our toys have been embraced by local Montessori and Waldorf schools and we love it when we send toys to schools and day cares for kids to get years of play from them.
Every toy you buy has been made by a Thorpe - Jerry or Rosemary or Gerry.
These 47 years would not have been possible with out all of you.

Thank you for the smiles, magic and laughs and making the last 47 years a delight.